
Jems is designed for an evolving multiplicity of sex and gender expressions, so we decided to focus on another, often overlooked target: seniors.

But awareness wouldn’t be enough, we had to educate seniors and start a public conversation to make a difference.

Our objectives:

  • Raise awareness of Jems as a brand challenging toxic and outdated category norms.
  • Spark an inclusive and educational conversation about sexual wellness amongst seniors.
  • Drive trial on a minimal budget vs. competition.


Since our primary target was seniors, a traditional digital campaign would not resonate. Instead, we tapped into a channel we knew they would never ignore: their grandkids.

How might we use grandchildren to start the conversation about safe sex with their grandparents?

“F*cking Old. A candy brand designed to start conversations about safe sex.”

Jems launched a line of candies uniquely designed to foster conversations about safe sex within the 65+ community.

”F*cking Old” launched during STI awareness month through a national PR campaign in partnership with sex expert, Jane Johanson and TikTok creators.


Jems took a taboo topic no one was talking about and turned it into a mainstream media darling. “F*cking Old” was covered in both Tier 1 and health and wellness outlets, totaling 300+ articles in the first week alone and + 151M earned media impressions.

A challenger brand with minimal investment created a BIG conversation.

  • 400% increase in online sales for Jems following its launch.
  • Earned media value of more than $20M+

…all with $0 media spent.